Thousands of families, teens, and shoppers, came out for the C28 Stores mall concert event sponsored by Air 1 Radio and other organizations to enjoy a day filled with talented bands, cool merchandise, and a dynamic guest speaker. If you have never been to a C28 concert I encourage you to try making it out to one of these, it's fun, it's safe, and it's FREE! Yes, FREE! Besides that, the live positive alternative music alone is worth the trip!
This was the only pic I was in all day...these are my cool friends from the band Wavorly. Check out there new CD, it rocks.
Edit: Photo by Mr. Sanchez.

It's so cool to see so many people having a blast!
Seth, of Wavorly...he's got the coolest hair!
Coon, of Wavorly jammin' on the keys.

Aurelio F.Barreto III, owner and founder of C28 and NOTW clothing.
Nick Vujicic, of Life Without Limbs Organization. He was the guest speaker and is an absolute extraordinary man!

Brandon Mills, of Decyfer Down rockin' it!
Andrew Welch, of Disciple.

Jon Micah Sumrall, of Kutless, rockin' the house!
Note: I processed these images in a sepia tone for a more dramatic effect, since I wasn't too fond of the tungsten stage lights. 

I regret to say that I don't know this guys name...but I can say he was soo awesome to watch on guitar!
Edit: James Mead on guitar!

The reflection of red lights coming from the Edwards Cinema marquee gave these peeps red hot hands, or were they just clapping too much?

Jon Micah can JUMP!
Coppelia and Eric , staff of the
Air 1 Radio morning show. I just love her name.

Eve Maytas, perhaps one of the hardest working girls I know...what would they do without her? I grabbed her for this quick shot with one of the C28 staff employees.

This guy had me laughing all day, while he assured the staff that how he had the C28 merchandise booth all under control!